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How ABA Simple Skyrocketed a Client’s Organic Traffic, Boosting Client Acquisition and Employee Attraction

ABA Simple Case Study

In today’s digital landscape, it’s not just about having an online presence; it’s about making a significant impact. The true mark of online success for businesses is reflected in organic traffic, which comes from unpaid search results. And when these digital footprints transform into tangible business results, it’s a game-changer.

ABA Simple had a remarkable journey with a unique client, a service provider offering Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for children and young adults with autism. Initially, their organic traffic was a mere 70 users per month. But with our dedicated efforts and tailored strategy, we not only amplified their website visitors to between 700 and 1,000 users monthly but also dramatically boosted their client acquisition and attracted new talent to their team. Here’s how we did it.

Why Organic Traffic Matters More Than Ever

Organic traffic is the golden metric in digital marketing for several reasons:

    1. Credibility and Trust: When search engines rank you high, it’s a vote of confidence. Users inherently trust these rankings, seeing them as a mark of relevance.
    2. Cost-Effective: No pay-per-click costs here. Once you’ve secured a solid organic presence, it keeps paying dividends.
    3. Sustainability: Organic rankings have longevity, unlike temporary boosts from paid ads.
    4. Higher Engagement: Organic visitors tend to be more engaged, spending more time browsing and interacting with your content.

Unpacking SEO’s Magic

At the heart of organic traffic is SEO. For our ABA client, we undertook a multi-faceted SEO approach:

    1. Keyword Research: Pinpointing the exact terms and queries their audience used.
    2. On-page Optimization: Refining web content, meta tags, and titles to align with these keywords.
    3. Technical SEO: Ensuring seamless user experience through mobile optimization, swift page loads, and a logically structured website.
    4. Backlinking: Cultivating high-quality external links to enhance domain authority.
    5. High ranking authoritative content: Providing high quality – in depth analysis of useful information to visitors.

Blogging: The Catalyst of Connection

Content remains unrivaled in its power to connect with audiences. Our strategy encompassed:

    1. Value-Driven Content: Crafting pieces that educated readers about ABA, autism, and available therapies.
    2. Consistent Updates: Keeping the blog alive and kicking with regular, relevant posts.
    3. Barnacle SEO: Strategically placing site content on platforms to further establish the client’s site as an authority on ABA and ASD.

Site submissions show the importance of search in attracting new clients and employees. Important to note this doesn't include those that called directly or emailed after locating the client on search.

Site submissions show the importance of search in attracting new clients and employees. Important to note this doesn’t include those that called directly or emailed after locating the client on search.

ABA Simple Client Success Manager

Beyond Numbers: Real Business Impact

With the surge in organic traffic came tangible business growth. The increased visibility led to:

    1. Client Acquisition: More families discovered, through organic search, the transformative ABA services offered, leading to a rise in sign-ups and consultations.
    2. Talent Attraction: The amplified online presence and thought leadership through blogs attracted skilled professionals (also through organic search) keen on contributing to the noble cause of supporting individuals with autism.


Elevating from 75 to between 700 and 1,000 users monthly wasn’t just a digital triumph for our client; it was a holistic business transformation. With a focused approach and an understanding of the real-world implications of online success, ABA Simple helped a service provider make a genuine difference in the lives of many, both in terms of service recipients and those who deliver them. Remember, in the realm of digital marketing, genuine value always shines brightest.

Interested in a demo? Reach out to contact@abasimple.com


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